Umzug (LFS 02297 7)
ZT: 14. Juni 1970 Festzug der Bad. Winzer mit Beteiligung aus den Partner- und Zähringerstädten.
Zuschauer am Straßenrand. OB Dr. Keidel begrüßt Gäste.
Umzug, Musikkapellen, Umzugsteilnehmer, u.a. mit Albhörnern, Kutsche, Schild: "Kaiserstuhl Tuniberg", Zuschauer bekommen Wein ausgeschenkt.
TC: 10:31:14
Blick auf Markt auf dem Münsterplatz vom Münsterturm aus.
Verschiedene Marktstände auf dem Markt.
TC: 14. Juni 1970 Brillantfeuerwerk.
Feuerwerk. //
Contexte et analyse
he move of the winegrowers and the Baden wine-growing regions, which was carried out under the motto "Baden wine", took place on June 14, 1970 as part of the 850th anniversary of the city of Freiburg. The move started at 2:30 p.m. in bright sunshine and over 25 ° C heat. The film was filmed by the amateur filmmaker Helmut Eckert in 16 mm and subsequently set to music with original sound and snappy marching music. He positioned himself next to the grandstand. It documents in half-total to half-close shots, such as the Mayor of Freiburg Dr. Eugen Keidel and his wife in pink costume and fashionable, white hat greet the guests of honor personally. Then the move passes and many of the groups are captured on film. Again and again you see others with cameras and cameras; a professional team with a 16 mm camera on a tripod drives past in the car. Eckert mainly turns the winemaker's procession in a long shot from the guest grandstand. When groups greet the mayor, he turns the camera to the stands. The images are rotated in fixed settings without zoom and linked in the montage. The film is shot in color, with some of the pictures underexposed and therefore too dark.
The Baden wine has been known for its sunny locations since 1932 and has also been advertised since the 1960s with the widespread slogan "Pampered by the Sun" and with the "Sonnenmännle" - which, incidentally, was initially a sun girl - as it did was the case on the vintner's procession with his own car. The Baden winegrowers decided to advertise together at that time, so they founded this umbrella brand to benefit together. In 2009, after various other organizational structures of joint marketing, the cooperatives, wineries and wineries of the region emerged as equal partners in Badische Wein GmbH, which has been marketing the Baden wine centrally since then.
Personnages identifiés
Lieux ou monuments
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