Aufmarsch SA Besuch Göring Freiburg
Contexte et analyse
The black and white compilation film was shot by the architect and ambitious amateur filmmaker Curt Balke. It shows events in which the SA Brigade 54 (Black Forest South) and other Nazi organizations such as the Hitler Youth, veterans' associations, NS motor corps, as well as fraternities and police marched in Freiburg between 1934 and 1938. In one shot Balke salutes in front of his house in SA uniform and at the end of the film he visibly proudly writes on a blackboard "and I shot it". The recordings of visits by Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels on June 17, 1934 and Reich Minister Hermann Göring on May 10, 1935 in Freiburg are interesting from a historical point of view.
In addition to the staged marches and parades, the film also shows private moments, be it children, women with dogs, a SA man riding a toy horse or the strenuous waiting for the big events. The first recordings include a terrain march through a village, where a stop is made in the "Gasthaus zur Krone". A first highlight is the visit by Joseph Goebbels. The SA standards are deployed on the measuring site or are initially lying in the sun, drinking water. Women run past them. An exhausted person is carried away on a stretcher. Goebbels in the white trench coat takes off the bandages deployed. A newspaper article speaks of 80,000 participants - also from Alsace and Switzerland. Goebels took a continuous positive record of the first year of the Nazi regime and spoke out against critics and political opponents. The audience welcomed the speech with long applause, the newspaper wrotes.
In the film, a poster announces Hermann Göring's visit to the Festhalle on May 10, 1935. He was Prime Minister of Prussia and had just been appointed Commander in Chief of the Air Force. He was considered the second most important man in the NS-regime in the population. The newspaper asked to close all shops, businesses and restaurants between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. to allow everybody to participate; many had traveled from the surrounding area. A triumphal arch with three huge swastika flags had been erected at Komturplatz, because the National Socialists based their public presentation on ancient models. This arch is hardly recognizable in the film. Goering and his new wife Emmy drove up in the Mercedes convertible and were greeted by the local dignitaries of the party and politics. In the audience several young women in traditional Black Forest and Marktgräfler costumes. Goering wore the white summer uniform of the air force. In the car parade it went through the city (Zähringer, Kaiser, Franziskanerstrasse) to the town hall. There he was received by the Baden Prime Minister Walter Köhler and Freiburg Mayor Franz Kerber. Göring assured Gauleiter Robert Wagner and the mayor of the full support of the imperial government for Baden as a 'Grenzmark'. The film shows the arrival and departure of Göring, where he jovially greets the people standing in the car. Children of all schools in Freiburg were also turned off and reacted euphorically. The public's identification with the Nazi regime is clearly expressed in cheers, smiles and hand gestures. Pictures of his trip to the Schlossberg follow. The large-scale rally in the evening at 7.30 p.m. in the Festhalle am Stadtgarten will be broadcast on Karlplatz. There is also a large crowd of BDM girls in the front row. His arrival is too late to allow good shots. In his speech, he scourged the work of the former parties. Hitler had to build the new state out of rubble. Like Goebbels in the previous year, he also turned against the critics, who will not be ignored.
The third important event in the film is a recording of the SA march on August 22 and 23, to which the Freiburger Zeitung devotes four special pages on SA Brigade 54 on August 22, 1936. The photos show the greeting of SA chief of staff Victor Lutze at the airport, who is then received in the town hall. After the murder of Ernst Röhms in 1934, he became his successor as leader of the SA. This organization had "broken red terror in Germany with its fist" (FBZ, April 22, 1935) and was proud of it. The SA ceremony in the Festhalle on Saturday evening was followed on Sunday morning by the parade line-up of SA Brigade 54 on the University's arena with speeches by Robert Wagner and the guest of honor Victor Lutze. The conclusion of his visit is the march by the 'Party branches' and the SA Brigade 54 in front of him in front of the Rotteck Oberrealschule. In addition to catering in halls and bars in the city, there was also a soup kitchen, which is documented in the film.
The banner "Your yes to the leader on April 10th" probably refers to the 1938 Reichstag election directly after the 'Anschluss' of Austria, in which the NSDAP received 99.1% of the vote. The regime had finally prevailed.
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