Kurzlebige Wirtschaftsgüter (LFS01007)



History of the cars of an entrepeneur and the trips and travels he made with his family in the 1950ies.


Ein kurzweiliger Querschnitt zeigt die verschiedenen Fahrzeuge des Ehepaar Küfer und ihren Einsatz in der Waschanstalt Sippel in Stuttgart sowie auf Ausflügen. Rückblick von 1961 bis in die 1940er Jahre: Schwerpunkt auf Autokauf 1956 bei Opel in Rüsselsheim, Fahrt durch Rüsselsheim mit dem neuen Auto, kurze Stadtansicht Wiesbaden, Einsatz des Autos als Privatauto und als Lastenauto für die Waschanstalt. / Diverse Ausflüge mit dem Auto: München und deutsche Alpenstraße; Fahrt in den Schwarzwald, über die Grenzstadt Kehl nach Straßburg, dort Blick auf elsässische Giebelhäuser, Altstadtgassen und Straßburger Münster; Rheinfall Schaffhausen; Besuch in Genf.


Reference / film number :  LFS01007
Date :  Between 1949 and 1961
Sound :  Mute
Running time :  00:18:05
Reel format :  16 mm
Genre :  Amateur movie
Thematics :  The Rhine, cross-border symbol, Cross-border tourism, Industry
Archive :  Haus des Dokumentarfilms

Context and analysis

We cherish it, we take care of it. For many it is the most faithful companion for short moments or extended trips. It is the German favorite child. Long story short, we're talking about the car. Everybody associates with his vehicle emotional, stirring, exciting and happy moments. Especially in the home of the automobile and globally recognized factories of high-quality motor vehicles, the means of transportation enjoys a high status, as this short film shows. With the images of his new and used vehicles, Eberhard Küfer offers an interesting insight into the everyday life of the 1950s. His private film begins with the inclusion of a 54 hp strong Opel Rekord Olympia (model Caravan), which was used as a company vehicle of his Laundry Sippel in Stuttgart, which was founded in 1880 already. In the everyday scene of a busy street an advertising sign of the Opel car dealership Staiger stands out. Founded in 1889, this company had its beginnings in the bicycle business and turned it into a car dealer. Already in 1901 Staiger took over the general representation of Opel for the Kingdom of Württemberg. Since it suffered heavily during World War II, it was re-established in 1948. The company plays an important role in the film, as sales of other vehicles are repeatedly shown to the laundry Sippel. The American sign "Authorized Repair Shop for American Cars" refers to new customers by the stationed American soldiers. The laundry Sippel was founded in 1880, re-registered in 1920 in the commercial register and 1963 deleted from it. Time and again in the film are relics from the early post-war period. For example, registration certificates for motor vehicles in English and French are presented in close-up.

Opel Ruesselsheim

With a characteristic in the film transition to Rüsselsheim. Mr. Küfer visits the Opel plant in Rüsselsheim to pick up a new car. After almost complete destruction in WW II, it was completely rebuilt from 1951 to 1957. This plant included, for example, the body shop, press shop, paint sales basin, power plant, a test track and social facilities. In addition to cars, refrigerators were manufactured under the name 'Frigidaire', which underlines the American influence. Because General Motors had already taken over the company in 1929 and has since retained control. From Rüsselsheim Mr. Küfer drives in the Rheingau to Rüdesheim and the Niederwalddenkmal. This 1883 erected heroic monument commemorates the German victory over France in 1871 and the subsequent founding of the German Empire. Next station is Wiesbaden with the Hessian State Theater. In retrospect, pictures of a holiday in Riezlern in the Austrian Kleinwalsertal with the old company car, a DKW Wanderer, probably follow at the end of the 1940s. Because the car has not yet the inscription for the 70th anniversary of the company in 1950. They housing in the church house Peter Paul, which still functions as a hotel. The film also shows footage of the German Alpine Road, which leads from Lake Constance to the Berchtesgadener Land.

Visit Strasbourg

In the mid-1950s Eberhard Küfer drives with his new Opel through the Black Forest to Strasbourg. At the Kehl border crossing, the Kehl steelworks can be seen in the background. The 'Badische Stahlwerk GmbH', founded in 1955, is today known for producing steel scrap for the construction industry. After crossing the Rhine you will see the spacious boulevards, the cathedral, historic buildings and monuments, shop windows and the cinema 'Les Arcades'. This is followed by footage of the Rhine Falls Schaffhausen and the sophisticated road traffic in Geneva.

New car from Ulm

By train the journey goes from Stuttgart via Ulm to Ingolstadt. The goal here is the Auto Union factory, known today as Audi. The brand founded in 1932 with the former head office in Chemnitz was a merger of the four brands: Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer. This is symbolized by the logo still used today with the four rings. After a realignment in West Germany after WW II, the Auto Union began in 1949 with the production of vehicles in Ingolstadt, where until today the company headquarters is, even if Audi has long been part of the VW Group. The DKW Schnellaster shown in the film was produced until 1962 in this factory. This small truck with three-cylinder two-stroke engine made 32 hp. Interesting in this vehicle is that there was already in the 1950s, an electrically powered version. On the return journey to Stuttgart historical sights are visited such as the old town and the Baldinger gate in Nördlingen. The conclusion is car inspection of the new car and its lettering as a company car of laundry Sippel.

Leonie Winter, Denis Kudlik, Jerome Jakob

Places and monuments

Kehl, Strasbourg, Rheinfall Schaffhausen

  1. This film analysis is still in progress. It may therefore be incomplete and contain errors.