
A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?

Query: SELECT DATE_ADD(YEAR(dateDebut),YEAR(dateFin)) AS `DATE ADD(YEAR(dateDebut),YEAR(dateFin))`,`apercu` AS `apercu`,`_pageName` AS `_pageName`,`titre` AS `titre`,`realisateurs__full` AS `realisateurs`,`fonds` AS `fonds`,`dateDebut` AS `dateDebut`,`dateFin` AS `dateFin`,`resumefr` AS `resumefr`,`resumeen` AS `resumeen`,`resumede` AS `resumede`,`idSupport` AS `idSupport`,`timecode` AS `timecode`,`duree` AS `duree`,`video` AS `video`,`thematique__full` AS `thematique`,`dateDebut__precision` AS `dateDebut__precision`,`dateFin__precision` AS `dateFin__precision` FROM `A_cargo__Sequences` GROUP BY `_pageName` ORDER BY `dateDebut`,`dateFin`,`_pageName` LIMIT 100 Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Error: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'YEAR(dateFin)) AS `DATE ADD(YEAR(dateDebut),YEAR(dateFin))`,`apercu` AS `apercu`' at line 1 (bdd10.u-strasbg.fr)